Our Vision

My photo
P.O. Box 620170, Kalomo, Zambia
Our vision is to bring the love of Jesus Christ to the children of Zambia through physical and spiritual means.Our hearts longing is to empower the local church and village community to meet the great need of the many orphans and widows through the development of an orphanage.(Psalm 68:5-6a)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

October 2008 Update:
We want to start out by saying that everything that has been accomplished is not in our strength and power but only through Him that strengthens us and that is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We also can not do what we do with out your prayers, support and finances you give to us, so thank you for all that you do for us and the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father.

Family Reinforcement
Since we last wrote one of our biggest excitements was having Jill and Terry (Amber’s mom and oldest brother) arrive here to help us. We could not wait to see them once again. We were especially looking forward to having Terry here being that it would be his first time to Zambia and second time to the African continent. The morning early after their arrival in Mukamba I had Terry on the roof with me nailing and building the roof rafters so that we can finish the roof before they go back home. With Terry having a natural fear of heights he wasn’t the most comfortable with standing on planks laid between the rafters but he faced the challenge head on and from day one never looked back. The first day was a bit difficult for Terry for his stomach was not good and he had to run from time to time but thank God for the next day he was as strong as an ox’s. Every day we started to work at 6:00 in the morning and wouldn’t stop until 14:00 for lunch. Being then in the high heat of the day (upper 30’s C and near 100 F) Terry and I would rest for an hour or so and then work on some more things around the camp till dark.

Terry was a big blessing to me for even though we worked together most of the time I could also spend time with the builders and on other things that demanded my attention. It was so nice to have Terry and the helpers be able to go on with the roof when I needed to spend time explaining the details of the orphanage kitchen to the builders. In this way things really started to get done fast. One and a half weeks later we had the toilets, bathrooms and kitchen done building and now they only need their roofs. We also got all the iron sheets on the orphanage house roof! While we had hoped to finish the roof completely things didn’t work out quite as planned and now only the gables of the roof are needed to finish it. It is starting to look like a house now.

And that is not all – apart from the roof work, loading bricks and more sand, in the afternoon we completed a lot of projects at the camp as well. Many that had been waiting for a year to get done but that we have just not had the time for. Things like raising the middle section of our shade net off our tent (allowing wind to pass underneath and lower the temperature inside), patching up the crack it the donkey, putting mesh in the bathroom and shower windows and cementing around it so that the hornets stop making it their permanent home, and re-cementing around the kitchen panty to end the rat and mice escapades that had been going on in there lately. Amber and her mom were especially happy about that. We are very happy with the progress that we are making with everything and are thank full to God for all of it.

Amber’s mom helped a lot as well but even more importantly brought lots of encouragement and company to Amber. Since the work that Amber has here in Zambia is a different than mine (ie. Cooking, cleaning, dishes, accounting, correspondence, watering the orchard, etc) she has less opportunities to interact with the community as I do and with the women normally having less access to education, much less of them speak English as to the guys. Although we are trying to learn the local language Amber doesn’t have as much opportunity for creating deep friendships here as I do so Jill’s visit to us was an especially big blessing to her. They chatted up a storm as the watered the orchard, sewed screen into our kitchen, painted poles, planted more plants and made new plant beds, cooked, cleaned, pumped water, and did all the every day tasks that are required out here in the bush. Jill also brought a small hand held mini sewing machine which she taught Amber to use. Amber is now looking forward to try her skills with mending and hemming with this rather than just by hand.

At church it is going very good and some of the church members have started to make bricks for the new church that they are planning on building. The roof and structure of the old one is busy falling in on them because of last years heavy rains. The bible study’s that God has allowed me to lead every Sunday morning seems to be fruitful. A couple of months ago when I started I was very sad for only 3 men and Amber came to the Bible study but now these last few weeks there are between 20 to 40 people coming and most of them are men. This is especially special as often times in these village settings it is the women who are the most involved in church so we thank God for the work that He is doing in the men’s lives in Mukamba.

Jill and Terry were able to experience two Sundays with the church there. Not only did they enjoy getting to meet Terry, they were especially blessed to see Jill there after all those months of praying for her. Roster, the pastor’s wife even led a heartfelt joyous song of celebration in her honor for God’s goodness in her life. It was a touching moment seeing the two of them leading the church in singing and dancing in praise and honor to God for All that He had done in their lives.

Heading Back South
After our time of hard work in Mukamba, we packed up and headed South to come and visit my mother and some friends that Jill wanted to see as well. We drove through Botswana and had some good family time in South Africa before Jill and Terry flew back to America on the 28th of October. After spending all that time with them it was hard to see them go but at least we still had time to spend with my mom since we were staying at her place. Since it had been 6 months since we had last been there we were able to connect with friends, families, and supporters as well as get needed items for us, the ministry, and the orphanage. God also blessed us by giving us opportunities to speak and share about the ministry in 3 different churches there and two different Bible Studies. It has been so humbling for us to see God raise up encouragement and support from people and churches in so many different places. This can truly only be a God thing.

Back Home Again
Now as we write this update we are back in Zambia, lodging in Livingstone for the night before we had back to Mukamba tomorrow. The drive up from South Africa was so beautiful with all the rain but it reminds us that our time for building and continuing on with the work here is short before the full force of rainy season is upon us. As the rain is beginning to bring new growth to life, we pray that God will do the same in our lives and in the lives of those we are here to serve in the local village area.

Please pray for:

For the work that we still need to do before the rain fall is too much to work.
Pray that we would have a balance between work and ministering.
Pray for out witness to the workers at the building project as we strive to strike a balance between quality control in their work and showing grace and mercy in their lives.
Pray for our health and attitudes.
Pray that God would guide and direct us in the women He want to have in the orphanage house as mothers.

For more pictures please go to www.picasaweb.google.com/missionoflovezambia

To contact us you can write to amberandjako@hotmail.com
For financial contributions please contact us and we would direct you where to give to, thank you.

Thank you for your continued support to us and the ministry.

Jako and Amber Joubert
Mission of Love Community Orphanage

1 comment:

Miyoba Scholtz said...

Thanks for the update, shoe... time really flies. I can't believe you already went to SA and back again.

Regards to Petros and his wife from here in the East...

We are praying for you...